FREE account
maximum 3 fields, all features, one user
STANDARD account
hundreds of fields, all features, 10 users
PREMIUM account
thousands of fields, all features, hundreds users
dedicated features for your specific needs

Modern Agriculture by FieldAgro

Our portal provides farmers and agriculturists with online ERP system for efficient management of the agriculture.
Intuitive, Efficient and Customizable application, very afordable to any farm.

Monitor your fields with satellite imagery.

LANDSAT 8 and SENTINEL 2 satellites are used to make NDVI calculation and to generate NDVI images, for each field.

Warehouse inventory management

Bar/QR code scanning with the phone. Inventory management from incoming to delivery. Ordering and invoicing operations...

Traceability of the activities and products, from supply to sale.

Keep traceability data regarding seeds batch, chemicals and fertilizers, activities on parcels, harvests, deliveries, etc..

Get data analisys reports (crops, harvesting, costs, etc.).

Generate reports and charts about all your activities and products. Predictions and suggestions based on the analysis performed by our experts.